Last sunday we went to visit the Riksdag, I went too with Amaia and Iago because the others couldn't come. In this text I'll writhe about the Riksdag which is the seat of the Swedish Parliament. It is located in Helgeandsholmen in central Stockholm. It was built between 1897 and 1905 by the architect Aron Johansson. Between 1980 and 1983 the parliament building was renovated and expanded, the vast plenary hall the showiest and major renovation. During the work numerous archaeological remains such as the remains of the wall of the city of Stockholm early sixteenth century were discovered. The big hole left by the excavations soon took the name of Riksgropen (parliament hole literally). Later this area became Museum of the Middle Ages.
The Swedish Parliament is unicameral and consists of 349 members to serve for a period of four years.
The name derives from the name Riksdag "riksens Ständer" expression referring to the congregation of representatives of each level was divided society.
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