Entradas populares

History Museum ( Nordiska museet)

Last saturday we went to the History museum. I went with Amaia, Laura, and Iago. The Nordic Museum is located on Djurgården, which is an island in central Stockholm. This museum is dedicated to the cultural history and the ethnography of Sweden from the Early Modern age (which for purposes of Swedish history is said to begin in 1520) until the contemporary period. The museum was founded in the late 19th century by Artur Hazelius, who also founded Skansen museum, long part of the museum, until the institutions were made independent of each other in 1963.
This museum is very big, and there are lots of things to see. There are dollshouses, clothes that people wear long time ago, there are a sculture of the created of the man who created Stockholm.
You can also see the things that important people use before, for example the necklaces of the queens of Stockholm, the writing feathers that kings used to write...But the one who I like the most was a representarion of a country house of the XVIII century. It's very beautiful because you can see the old kitchen, with the pans the ordinary peolle used to make their food, and there weren't doors which separates the kitchen to the rest of the house. The bedrooms wasn't like now a days, there was only a bed near the living room or something like that.
This is the web of the museum -> http://www.nordiskamuseet.se/



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