This satuday morning I went to Stockholm to see the Vasa Museum, i went with Laura and Amaia. The Vasa is a ship of the XVII century. The story of this ship is very special. Sweedish people were builing this ship for lots of years, and the same day Vasa left the port everybody was watching it and they are celebrating who good this ship was, and suddenly it wrecked!
More of less 30 of the people who were in the ship died. So, Vasa was in the seabed for 300 years until a ,not very popular or famous invertigator ,calls Anders Franzén find it and there is a museum to can see this incredible ship whith its incredible story.
The ship was very beautiful and is also very big, with at least 3 floors, and is all made of wood. In the museum there is a place where you can see a film about the Vasa, and it explains all the story with of this ship. There are lots of things that were in the ship , for example the scultures of lions or of heroes because the Vasa was going to be a war ship.

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