This Saturday we had a great day because we had fun and the weather was good it wasn't too cool. After stay in Uppsala, we went to Gamla Uppsala because is near, and very far away where we live. Gamla Uppsala is the old part of the city, and it isn't in the center of the city as usual, is a parish and a village outside Uppsala. is a small village 5km north of Uppsala, Sweden. Before the arrival of Christianity, this was one of the most important sacred sites in Scandinavia, hosting regular sacrifical rites and the fiery burials of royalty. Gamla Uppsala was such an important ceremonial site that the first Swedish cathedral was built over the pagan temple in the 11th century.
The main ancient site of interest are the Royal Mounds (Kungshögarna), three large burial mounds dating from the 5th and 6th centuries AD, we went here and in the top of them you can see a very beautiful landscape, and run or roll down which is really funny.
We went to the Vikin Museum in which there are the representations of the old houses, and the things they used in the past, and very interesting scultures. But this museum isn't very big.
And finally we went to visit the church of Gamla Uppsala (Gamla Uppsala kyrka), built over the pagan temple, dates from the early 12th century. Due to fire and renovations, the present church is only a remnant of the original cathedral.
The interesting interior of the church includes faded wall paintings and the tomb of Celsius, of thermometer fame. Outside, there is an 11th-century rune stone set into the wall and others can be seen nearby. Also near the church is its splendid red, wooden belfry.
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