This is a university city, were lot of people come here to study, it is the oldest headquarters in all the north of Europe, it was founded in 1477. Also many famous people come here to study for example Anders Celsius, or Lineo who invented that taxonomics clasification of the plants. We walk all around the city and there are lots os libraries, we entered in one which is very big and very beautiful and all the students go there to study because is very close to their universities and also is really good.
After that we went to the cathedalr which is the thing I like the most. It's spectacular, is really big, the biggest church in the north of sweden, and has two towels of 118 miters. It was built between 1260 and 1435. The name is Domkyrkan, and has a neogothic style, but the towels that are build with red brick they look like Holand typical style. We come in into the cathedral and has 3 differents parts. The central one has a big altar where there is a silver and gold cross, and a big spider form lamp with lots os pieces of silver too. And there are lots of pews in front of the altar. Lot of important people, queens and kings for example Gustavo Vasa, king of Swedish in the year 1523, his two woman, or the king Eric, who has a defensor of catolish are buriend here, in a bigs and beautiful graves.
And the last thing we visit in Uppsala was the Uppsala Castle. It has a dominating position high up on Beacon Ridge and can be seen from afar as one approaches the city. The castle's construction began in the middle of the 16th century as a fortification and was included in the series of citadels thath Gustav Vasa and his sons erected as protection against both international and domestic enemies.
Erik XIV,Joahn II and Karl IX remodelled and expanded the citadel into a representative renaissance palace. One of the most important functions was to provide a place for the coronation festivities after the ceremony in the Uppsala Cathedral. During the rebuilding in 1744 the cross castle was shortened and the whole castle was rebuilt in a French classical syle. The construction work halted in 1762 due to a lack money. The planned north wing was never built, and that is how we see the castle today. Inside the castle is a museum were you can play with differets things, you can see a short films about different important events, and know all this things about the Uppsala castle.

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