Yesterday we went to Stokholm for me is the first time that i was in Stokolm, and i think that is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and almost it was snowing and all the city was very beautiful.
We went Iago,Laura, Luis, Amaia , their swedish exchange parterns, who are all very nice, and me.
In the morning we went to Skansen. Skansen is sweden in miniature, there are traditional buildings and farmsteads from all over Sweden,there are too Scandinavian wild animals in natural enclousures and natve breeds of animals and poultry at the farms. There are for example bears,wolves, foxes...
We were walking to see all the park and suddenly it starts to snow,so we went to a cafeteria. After a while we got the bus to get in the Stokholm center, we ate in a restaurant where there are very diferents types of foods. Then we went to a shopping center, and after go shopping we went outside. It was all full of snow, it was so beautiful. We started throwing snowbals, and it was great! I really had a good time and i enjoy myself a lot.
This is the web page of skansen :
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