The Täby church is in Vallentuna, an urdan zone near Stockholm. Outside there is a cementery, and the church is white and not too big. It is possible that there used to be a wooden church on this site before the present church was built. The erection of the church was begun in the middle of the 13th century, at the earliest. At the end of that century the chancel and the nave were the size they are now.The exterior of the church has been altered many times particulary as regards the window, there are a very beautiful porch with good vaultings.
It isn´t a big church but I like it , in spite of I don't usually like churchs. When you come in into the church you can see the typical pews the altar creen, the altar, the pupit and bauticul painting in the walls and in the ceiling.
The altar screen is from the 15th century, and it was mad in Germany. The principal scene underneath represent differents secenes: Christ in Gethsemane, Pilate wasing his hands, Christ carryng his cross with the help of Simon ...And on the other side panels are the twelve apostles.
The pupilt was a gift from Charles XI of 1690 more or less. Before that it was placed in the Royal Palace Stockholm.The column supporting the pulpit is also from the Royal Palace in Stockholm.
The altar rails and the front of the gallery were designed by Jean Eric Rehn.
The painting in the vaulting were made towads the end of the 15th century by the painter Albertus Pictor, who is a famous church painter. To begin with even the walls of the church had painting on them but whitewashing later on destroyed most of these.
Between 1959 and 1961 the church was completely restored on the outside. In 1993 more or less a vast restoration was made of the new pwews have been installed, two tombstones have been moved from the sactuary and the aisle respectively, new furnishing has made for the vestry, the organ loft has been rebult and a new organ has been built. The organ that is now on the church is big, and the man who is in the church and who explain us lots of this things I write was learning to play the organ.
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