Today has a great day! I went with Amaia and two of my swedishs friends to see Vaxholm. Vaxholm is a small village near the sea, is like an hour by bus to Täby Cetrum and is in as island, ans is the one of the most biggest and the most populated of the Stockolm's archipelago.
There are a beautifil port, which in the past ,in the XIX century, was a very importat in Sweden , now is still important but hasn't the same importance.
In there there aren't so many ships and boats because now is winter but in summer there are a lot. The girls who come with us explain us that in the summer everybody goes there, because is very beautiful and has lots of beaches , even if you don't want to swim or to go in a boat you can walk near the see and there are lots os cafeterias and ice creams parlors.
The houses are the really beautiful all of them because there have a great decorarion, and colofur. It looks like the a film.
In front of Vaxholm there is a small island with a big castle on it, because in the year 1598 Gustavo Vasa want to protect the city. This castle at firts had the funtion to protect the city, after that it was a prision and now a days is a Museum of the Cost and it is used for other things. For example there are a television programm which is a about a competition between two teems and they have to do many diferents proves in and island, and the boy my family will have an school trip there and the are going to do the castle to do something like in the televsion programm.
After walk all around the small city and see the houses, and the shops, and the landscape we went to Åkerverga, and Amia and me were the rest of the afternoon with a boys who goes to Tibble too.
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